Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Is TASER really safer than Tylenol?

"You have Tylenol in your home? As far as an electronic control device killing you, this stuff is safer than Tylenol." - Dr. Mark Kroll

Kroll, an adjunct professor at California Polytechnic State University who specializes in electrical currents, made the comments while addressing a group of 360 doctors, police officers, lawyers and medical examiners attending a three-day conference on sudden death and in-custody deaths. Immediately, the anti-TASER crowd began chanting their usual mantras of derision, despite the fact that supporting data is readily available. I could spend all day posting cases & studies, but why don't I summarize, and let you (the informed reader) come to your own conclusion?

Source: AAPPC - NPDS
From 1998 to 2003, over 1,380 deaths were attributed the overdose (both accidental & intentional) of the analgesic, Acetaminophen (Tylenol). If you'll note, the previously referenced time frame spans a period of 6 years. OK - we're left with 6 years and 1,380 dead.

Let's move on to TASER. The most popular & eagerly posted "list of the dead" contains the names of 373 individuals. This list begins in 1999, and runs to date, which is a period of 8 years. Got it? Good! Let's go way out on a limb, and say TASER was directly responsible for half of this "list of dead". This would be extremely generous of us, since TASER has been cited as being the "cause of death" in just a few cases. All the rest have been ruled as drugs, alcohol, heart problems, etc. This leaves us with 8 years and 187 "tasered dead".

I'll post both figures again for you to compare:
Tylenol (acetaminophen) - 6 years = 1,380 dead
TASER (evil killing device) - 8 years = 187 dead

I hope, dear reader, that you can do the math on this by yourself.

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